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The Dreamlord - Online Manual

It is advisable to bookmark this page and the Expansion manager manual for a quick reference of the game world.


The Dreamlord is a first person action platformer game where you have to escape from a nightmare created by an ancient being called the dream lord.

Using your legs and mind, you have to navigate through the mazes of platforms and reach the end in order to save your life and wake up again.


The story takes place in this dream world created by the dream lord. You take the role of Thomas, a young man in his early 30's.
The dream lord trapped you inside this puzzle environment to test your skills.

You have to reach the end of the path he has created for you in order to wake up and save your life.

If you fail, you will remain in the dream world as a lost soul, a servant of the dream lord.
Your body will be in a comma until it dies.


The nightmare created by the dream lord is filled with all kinds of platforms to prevent you from reaching the end of the path.
Some of the platforms are there to help you and some will drop you directly into the abyss.

The purpose of this dream world is to test your skills and help you master this environment.


The controls are very simple.

Movement is done with the WSAD key combination, respectively - Forward/Back/Left/Right.
This is the standart movement combination for a First Person game.

The mouse is used to look around.

Jumping is done with the SPACE button.

And finaly, Q is used to interact with objects and buttons.
To push a button or interact with other objects, you will have to aim at them with the circle in the center of the screen.

Simple, right?

Later in the game, you will aquire powers, which you control using the buttons described above, except for the Move Obstacles power.

The Second chance power is activated using the Q key.

The Double Jump power is activated by jumping while in the air.

The Move Obstacles power requires you to click and hold the left mouse button while aiming at a platform and then move it around with the mouse. It will lock your camera, so you wont pan/tilt it with the mouse until you release the left mouse button.

The controls used in the Expansion Manager are located in a separate section explaining the Expansion Manager.


The goal in each level is to reach the blue portal at the end in time.
If you run out of time (or if you fall on Hardcore mode) you loose.

Also, if there are any Mind Fragments scattered around, you will have to collect them, otherwise the end portal will be locked (indicated by red particles).


There are 18 different objects in the game:

  • Static platform
  • Sinking platform
  • Elevator
  • Torch (decorative)
  • Moving platform
  • Disappearing platform
  • Button activated platform
  • Glass platform
  • Hidden spikes
  • Sinking spikes
  • Swinging ball
  • Teleport
  • Fireball trap
  • Teleport trap
  • Anti-gravity platform
  • Transparent platform
  • Jump pad
  • Mind fragment

These objects all combine to create a puzzling environment.


The main menu:

  • New Game
  • Continue
  • Expansions
  • Level Editor
  • Options
  • Credits
  • Exit

New game takes you to a difficulty choosing screen. You can select two more options located in the lower right corner of the screen called "Hardcore mode" and "Play Tutorial".

With Hardcore mode (Bright white when selected) you will lose if you fall into the abyss.

Play tutorial is self-explanatory. It will start the tutorial levels. If turned off, you start from the first level after the tutorials.

Continue will take you to the last level you were playing before you close the game. If you lost the last time you played, or if you havent started the game yet, the button will take you to the first level of the tutorial series.

Expansions button will take you to an expansion choosing screen. Once you choose an expansion, click Load. After that, starting a "New Game" as usual will start the chosen expansion.

Level Editor takes you to the expansion manager, where you can build levels and expansion packs.

You can configure the quality of the graphics, sound/music volume and mouse speed in the Options screen.
You can also redefine some of the keys used in the game there.

Credits will show you who made the game.

And Exit will close the game. It will automatically save your progress if you were playing a level.


The game supports Expansion packs.

An expansion pack is a collection of levels and possibly models/voice/subtitles and more, which can create custom stories.

Everybody can build an expansion pack using the Expansion Manager built into the game.

After building an expansion pack, you can share it with your friends or other players and give them an opportunity to play a different scenario.

Expansion packs are located inside the "Exp" folder in the game folder.
Once placed inside this folder, an expansion pack will be automatically added into the game and you can select it using the "Load expansion" button in the main menu.

You can find more technical information about the Expansion packs in the Expansion Manager section of this Online manual

Expansion Manager

The Expansion Manager ("Level Editor" in the main menu) is the tool that will help you build levels and expansion packs.

In there you can move/manipulate/rotate/create and remove objects in the dream world.

After you create an expansion pack and fill it with levels, you can share it with friends and other players. It will all be inside a folder, and the Expansion manager will take care of everything automatically.

You can find more information about the Expansion manager here, in the Expansion manager Online manual.